PARITY TECHNICAL ANALYSIS SOFTWARE SOFTWARE REGISTRATION FORM Please return this form along with your check to: Parity Software Systems Two Bryant St., Suite 200 San Francisco, CA 94105 Special prices/discounts are available on quantity orders. Corporate site licenses, and dealer pricing are available. ___ Copies of Parity Technical Analysis Software..@ $79.00 ea $______ Includes: Latest Version of Software and Manual Technical Support, Historical Stock Data _____ 1.2 MB 5 1/4" or _____ 1.44 MB 3 1/2" Diskette Shipping ($4.00 Per Item)..................................$______ California Residents please add 7.25% Sales Tax............$______ TOTAL......................................................$______ **PLEASE PRINT** Name:___________________________________________________________ Company:___________________________________________________________ Address:___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Phone Work:(_____) _____-____________ Home:(_____) _____-____________ Please help us determine the distribution of our software. Check the box that most accurately describes where you acquired the program. [ ] - CompuServe [ ] - Local BBS [ ] - User Group [ ] - Shareware Catalog [ ] - Software Store [ ] - PC SIG Disk [ ] - Other - Please Specify _____________________________________ Please feel free to contact us with any suggestions for new features as well as what you liked and disliked about Parity. NOTICE: Special pricing for Parity 1.0 is $79 until 1/15/92. After 1/15/92 pricing is subject to change. Registration of Parity 1.0 will permit you to use all normal upgrades for at least 12 months. We reserve the right to introduce add on modules or new features which may require an additional registration fee.